Ato 2222 took effect on April 22, 2020 in Brazil. With this act, products will no longer be classified by equipment “categories” (for example, Category I, II, or III).
All equipment undergoing ANATEL certification will now be classified under one of several “product types,” or tipo de produto, in Portuguese.
As was the case when products were certified by equipment category, certificates for each “product type” will also have a set validity period of either one (1), two (2), or indefinite (no expiration).
Here are some examples of the most common product types and their validity:
- Modem para Transceptor Digital (Digital Transceiver Modem) – 2 years
- Telefone Móvel cellular (cellphone) – 2 years
- Modem para TV a Cabo (Cable Modem) – 1 year
- Plataforma Muli-serviço (Multi-service platform) – indefinite (does not expire)
- Equipamento de Rede Dados (Data Network Equipment) – indefinite (does not expire)
User Manual and ISO certificate language requirements will still vary based on product type.
Please contact LARCG to learn more about ANATEL certification in Brazil.