Resolution 756/23 to formally allocate the 6GHz (5925-7125 GHz) band was published by ENACOM on May 24, 2023.
The 6 GHz band is now available for Wi-Fi operation in Argentina. 5925-7125GHz may be utilized by Access Points with a maximum EIRP of 30 dBm and a maximum EIRP spectral density of 5 dBm/MHz. Client Devices may operate with a maximum EIRP of 24 dBm and a maximum EIRP spectral density of -1 dBm/MHz. Operation is restricted to inside buildings (indoor use) only, and is prohibited in vehicles (cars, trains, boats and planes). However, operation of the equipment will be allowed in aircraft flying above 10,000 feet.
If you have any questions regarding Wi-Fi 6 in Argentina, please contact LARCG for additional information.