After April 5 of this year cellular products in Peru must have new homologation certificates. Previously granted certificates covering cellular technology will no longer be valid and will need to be updated under the new regulation.
All products using cellular technologies that operate above 2.2 GHz (with an output power greater than 50mW) will now require SAR reports and a GSMA TAC letter to be homologated.
By including the TAC in the application process, approved cellular products will henceforth be automatically registered in the new RENTSEG database (National Registry of Mobile Terminal Equipment for Security). The database is meant to prevent uncertified or stolen equipment from accessing mobile networks in Peru.
The certification change was first announced last year by Peru’s Telecom Ministry (MTC) in Decreto supremo N ° 019-2019 MTC and is now being implemented as part of the homologation process.
Please contact us about updating your existing certificates for cellular products in Peru.